Everyone should be free. Part of being free is privacy. It’s bothersome to know that so many people are mining our data. It is commonly claimed that if people have nothing to hide, they shouldn’t mind people mining their data. But if someone is truly free, then they are free of being monitored without their permission.
When I was a kid, and I thought of talking computers, computerized navigation, computerized notes, the thought of it being data mined never entered the picture.
I am working on producing a set of tools such as:
- GPS navigation
- Computer notes
- Home automation
- Messaging
- and more
In themselves, there is nothing very innovative. The sole innovation is that they are not tracked and do not data mine in anyway. For example, imagine a map system which is “one way” – it gets updated map information, but does not send it back to the server. Yes, the user has to give up live traffic reporting (unless there is a way to anonymously detach location requests from users.)
The idea is to bring a philosophy like Duck Duck Go to other products.
Jack Amoratis
Tuesday, May 17, 8:28 pm